The non-invasive Primera provides pain relief in two ways: The gate control mechanism and endorphin release. When the body is injured, pain signals are delivered to the brain through the nervous system. That tells your body that you’re hurting. Primera sends tiny pulses over the skin through the nerves to the spinal chord and brain (gate control mechanism). Along the transmission there are many areas referred to as “gates”. The gates determine which pulses can continue to the brain. The gates regulate how quickly the information is delivered to the brain. Since the same nerve cannot carry a pain and a non-pain impulse at the same time, the stronger, non-pain impulse from the Primera device “controls the gate”, relieving pain.
Endorphin release is the body’s natural pain killer. The Primera device can help produce high levels of the chemical endorphins to naturally reduce pain. These chemicals interact with receptors, blocking the perception of pain. No matter which pain control mechanism is used, Primera delivers temporary pain relief.
Premera has 6 muscle stimulation modes to help stimulate and improve muscle performance. NMES (Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation) is a non-invasive, non-addictive means of muscle rehabilitation after injury, surgery or disease. Electrodes are placed on the skin over selected muscle groups. Through electrical stimulation, the muscles contract, reducing pains associated with orthopaedic and neurological diagnoses.